… Kendzsi played Rhapsody in Blue with fantastic confidence, […] with huge, energetic fortes, and oftentimes with gentle, tender keystrokes.”

Born in Hungary and partly raised in the States, I am half Japanese. I started learning piano at a super young age, and by the age of 16 I finally found my path in playing all these notes. A crucial and decisive step in that was when I attended the Vántus István Music High School with Dr Lucz Ilona from 2009-2013 in Szeged, Hungary. Only smooth sailing from there: after graduating from The Royal Academy of Music, London in 2017 under the tutelage of Joanna MacGregor, I earned my Master’s Degree studying with Niklas Sivelöv at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen.

The warmth and melancholy of this soulful piece is beautifully captured in this live recording by pianist Kendzsi Tanaka.”

Music for me is the purest form of communication. I aim to tell my audiences a story, showing the beauty and ups and downs written into the music through my perspective. Often it is only my experiences and my being that I draw the tools from to shape my interpretation. This is why as an artist, my path is ever-evolving, honing itself more into something unique.

I outstandingly like playing music from Ravel, Bartók, Brahms and Bach, but also love experimenting with contemporary music and jazz.

I recently recorded a commissioned piece for double bass and piano, composed by Aaron Hudson. Fantastic music!

Meanwhile, in my free time I teach a class of a dozen talented pianists. They are the future generation of music-carriers, so it is of great importance to me to show all the different aspects of playing, listening, and understanding good music.

Before the pandemic, I started a company in men’s skincare, Jun Grooming. During that period, I learned how to build websites and experimented with coding. Lastly I dabble in woodworking, and also love cooking for my friends.

Thanks for checking out my website. I’d appreciate a follow, like or a thumbs up on any of my social media outputs here:


akendzsi (@) gmail.com


Let's have a chat!
I am always open for new projects and collaborations.